Barn Swallow bathing on a tulle. Copyright 2013 BethiCarver |
Birds Coloring Book
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Page 1 of the Delta Birds Coloring Book is the Great Blue Heron |
Copyright 2013Bethi Carver, All rights are reserved. If you are interested in using any art work please ask permission in writing using the email contact above. Thank you. Please contact the artist by email if you are interested in purchasing printable copies of coloring book pages. |
Ornithology A branch of Zoology that studies birds.
Nestling A baby bird that is not yet able to leave the nest. Usually has gape on its beak. |
Great Blue Heron, Ardea Herodias This great wading bird is fishing with its one foot long beak in shallow water near the tulles along a Delta slough. A young bird, 8 or 10 months old, has no long plumes, a black crown, shoulder, tail and legs. A pale orange eye and beak. Dark rust upper leg feathers. The rest of the feathers are mostly gray, the neck front and breast are mostly white.
Birds Coloring Book
Bird drawings like the Great Blue Heron to the left are available for birds listed here: Pied-billed Grebe Great Blue Heron Great Egret Green Heron Barn Swallow Black Phoebe Ruby Crowned Kinglet Forester's Tern |
Gape The yellow color on the beak of a nestling bird.
Fledgling A a young bird that is learning to fly but not yet able to migrate or to catch its food.
From Bethi's Sketchbook Presented here are some sketches from the artists birding observations.
Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster This fledgling Barn swallow, with "gape" still on its beak, is perched on a houseboat wire at a marina along Taylor Slough in the Northern California Delta. Chirping and singing, it waits for its parents to bring a mosquito to eat.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Regulus calendula This female Ruby-crowned Kinglet is watching her prospective mate perform his courting dance amid the branches of a native Willow tree along Taylor Slough. She is a light green, white eye ring, black eye and legs. The male shows its red crown when alarmed. |
Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps This is an adult water bird that dives in the water for its food. It has a mostly brownish back, wings and head, a black ring around a white bill and very white rump feathers. |
All artwork, text, titles and images belong to and are the property of the artist, Bethi Carver. No reproductions, copies or using in any internet or other media of any kind is allowed without the prior express written permission of the artist and owner of this website, Bethi Carver. Thank you very much. Copyright © 2013 Bethi J. Carver. All rights reserved. |